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Form Registration (Sign Up)

Registration is free. Once you’ve registered, you’ll be able to take full advantage of all of Entrily tools and features while using your account.

  1. Hit The Sign Up button on the main page to get a free account.
  2. Enter your email address, click create my free account by agreeing to the terms & condition checkbox
  3. Enter your name, Business name along with the company size and ClickNext.
  4. An Email will be sent to the registered mail with the new password to be set.

Form Registration (Login)

  1. The activation mail will be sent to the registered mail and create the new password by clicking theSet password Button
  2. Once the Account is activated,You need to log in
  3. Who can register ?

    The person or an organisation who are helping the students or recruiting students to study abroad can register with Entrily CRM. For ex: Agent, Overseas Education Consultants, etc.
  4. How to set the password?

    To set password on Entrily site, follow these steps:
    1. Please enter the registered mail ID in the “Get free account”
    2. Then click the “ Get free account” button, set password page will display.
    3. Once you click on the resend password.
    4. The password will successfully be sent to the registered email.


    1. Click the “Forgot password” in the dashboard.
    2. To reset the password, Enter the email ID in the dialogue box.
    3. Then click on “send reset link” button.
    4. The resent link will be shared to registered email
    5. We can set the password and login to the dashboard.
  5. How is your CRM portal different from others?

    In Entrily CRM portal, we can get the advantages,
    1. A Complete Solution that will meet your needs from day
    2. Cost of ownership Is 10x Less than "Entrily" CRMs
    3. Customised functionality at your Fingertips
    4. Anyone can easily understand and deal with our CRM
    5. Simple steps to register students, apply and track the application.
    6. Submit one single form and apply for multiple courses.
    7. Can track what is completed and further steps in the application.