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Student Management(Free Plan)- Profile Management

Student Profile shows the complete details of all the students who are all registered in Entrily CRM Portal.

Covered here:

  • Student Personal Information
  • Student Education Details
  • Student Work Experience
  • Student Test Taken
  • Student Study Interest
  • Student Passport & Visa
  • Student Referral Details
  • Student Funding / Financials
  • Student Emergency Contact
Student Personal information

Students can update the student profile personal information to manage the data for each students,

To update a student profile on Entrily, follow these steps:

  1. Click the “Student Name” on the dashboard, it shows the student profile page.
  2. Click the “Edit” option in the right sidebar in the personal information section.
  3. Fill in the details for personal information such as “Nationality, Ethnic Origin, Gender, Marital status and Address.”
  4. If the address is not permanent, fill the Permanent address details in the column.
  5. Then click the “Update” button, And that’s it!
  6. Student profile has been updated.
Student Education Details

Students can update the student education details to manage the data for each students,

To update a student education details on Entrily, follow these steps:

  1. Click the “Student Name” on the dashboard, it shows the student profile page.
  2. Click the “Edit” option in the right sidebar in the education details section.
  3. Fill in the details for the education details such as Qualification, Degree achieved, Specialization, Institution, Country, Passout year, From and to year and Overall result.
  4. Then click the “Update Education” button, And that’s it!
  5. Student education details have been updated.
Student Work Experience

Students can update the work experience details to manage the data for each students,

To update a student work experience details on Entrily, follow these steps:

  1. Click the “Student Name” on the dashboard, it shows the student profile page.
  2. Click the “Edit” option in the right sidebar in the work experience section.
  3. Add the work experience details such as “Company Name, Position, job type, From and to dates, Company Address and Job Description.”
  4. Then click the “Add Experience” button, And that’s it.
  5. Student work experience details have been updated.
Student Test Taken

Students can update the English Proficiency test details according to the institution's preference and also to manage the data for each student.

To update a student English Proficiency Test details on Entrily, follow these steps:

  1. Click the “Student Name” on the dashboard, it shows the student profile page.
  2. Click the “Edit” option in the right sidebar in english proficiency test section
  3. If you click “Yes” as Have you taken any english proficiency test? option.
  4. Select the Test type such as “IELTS, TOEFL, PTE and Duolingo test”.
  5. Then In the scorecard, If you are waiting for the result please select the “Waiting for the Result” option and update it.
  6. If you select the Available option in the scorecard, Please fill in the details such as Test Taken date, Overall score, Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking score.
  7. Then click the “Update Test Taken” button, And that’s it.
  8. Once, you click “No” as Have you taken any English proficiency test? option.
  9. Fill the “11th and 12th standard mark” in the English marks obtained option
  10. Then click the “Update Test Taken” button, And that’s it.
  11. English Proficiency Test details have been updated.
Student Study interest

Students can update the Study Interest details according to the student preference and also to manage the data for each student.

To update a student Interest details on Entrily, follow these steps:

  1. Click the “Student Name” on the dashboard, it shows the student profile page.
  2. Click the “Edit” option in the right sidebar in Study Interest section
  3. Fill the details of Preferred Country, Study Level, Department Name, Subject, and Intake details.
  4. English proficiency test details are updated to shortlist according to the student interest.
  5. Then click the “Update Study Interest” button, And that’s it.
  6. Study Interest details have been updated.
Student Passport & Visa

Students can update the Passport and Visa details to manage the data for each student.

To update a Passport and Visa details on Entrily, follow these steps:

  1. Click the “Student Name” on the dashboard, it shows the student profile page.
  2. Click the “Edit” option in the right sidebar in Passport & Visa details
  3. Fill the details of Passport Number, First Name, Last Name, Date of Issue, Date of Expiry and Country of Issues.
  4. Then if you click yes on “ Have you travelled to other country “ option
  5. Fill the details of Country, Purpose, Visatype and From & To Date.
  6. Then click the “Update Passport” button, And that’s it.
  7. Passport and Visa details have been updated.
Student Referral Details

Students can update the Referral details to manage the data for each student.

To update a referral details on Entrily, follow these steps:

  1. Click the “Student Name” on the dashboard, it shows the student profile page.
  2. Click the “Edit” option in the right sidebar in referral details.
  3. Fill the details of Name, Referral from, Position, Organization Name, Email ID, and Contact Number.
  4. Then click the “Add Referral” button, And that’s it.
  5. Referral details have been updated.
Student Funding / Financials

Students can update the Funding details to manage the data for each student.

To update a funding details on Entrily, follow these steps:

  1. Click the “Student Name” on the dashboard, it shows the student profile page.
  2. Click the “Edit” option in the right sidebar in Funding/Financial details.
  3. In “who will be paying your fees?” select your option as Self, Parents, Bank Loan, Scholarships and others.
  4. Then click the “Update Funding/Financials” button, And that’s it.
  5. Funding details have been updated.
Student Emergency Contact

Students can update the Emergency contact details to emergency purposes for the students.

To update a Emergency contact details on Entrily, follow these steps:

  1. Click the “Student Name” on the dashboard, it shows the student profile page.
  2. Click the “Edit” option in the right sidebar in Emergency Contact details.
  3. Fill the details of Name, Email address, Contact Number, Relationship to Student and Address.
  4. Then Click the “Add Emergency Contact” button, And that’s it.
  5. Emergency Contact details are updated.

Student Management(Free Plan) - Adding Tasks

Students can review the specifics of their assignments based on their progress and the deadline.

Covered here:

  • Add Task
  • Task Status
Add Task

To create a new task for the student on the student’s profile, follow these steps:

  1. Go to > Entrily CRM > Students
  2. Select the Student profile
  3. Click the “Task” button on your left sidebar
  4. Select “Add Task” on the right
  5. Fill in the following details for the Students name, date, time, reminder, task type, reminder, task type, and task detail
  6. Click the “Save” button
Task Status

To know the status of the task on Entrily, Follow these steps

  1. Click on the “Show Completed Task”
  2. All the completed task will be shown

Student Management(Free Plan): Adding Notes

Students can create notes to keep a record of the information they heard

Covered here:

  • Add Notes
Add Notes

To create a new notes on Entrily, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the “Add Note” button in your left sidebar
  2. Fill in the notes and then click “Add”

Student Management(Free Plan): Adding Attachments

Students educational documents as well as their soft copies of ID proof can be attached in the entrily

Covered here:

  • Download all
  • Add an attachment
Download All
  1. All the attachments can be downloaded at the same time by click on the “ Download all” button on your right sidebar
Add an attachment

To attach the documents in entrily, Follow the steps

  1. To attach a document click on the “Add an attachment “ button on the right sidebar.
  2. Type the “File Name”
  3. Attach the files by click on the “Drag & Drop / Browse Files”
  4. The maximum upload size per document is 5 MB for the attached document
  5. Select “ Yes” if the document has be attached confidentiality in the “Confidential” option

Student Management (Free Plan): Manage Applications

Once the university is applied from the shortlisted list, it will directly lead to application section

  • The application process flow is as follows
  • Applied -> Verified -> Application Fee -> Submitted -> Decision -> Tuition fee -> Financials -> COE Letters -> Applied VISA -> VISA Decision -> Enrolment
  • All the process of application will be shown
  • Once the process is completed it will turn into green.

Student Management (Free Plan): Adding Invoice/Fees

Students invoices and fees details will be shown in this section

Covered here:

  • Add invoice
  • Add Fee
Add Invoice

To create a new invoice, follow these steps:

  1. Type the “Fee Type”
  2. Type the “Fee” amount
  3. Select the date on the “Create Date”
  4. Select last date in the “Paid Until”
  5. Type the “Description”
  6. Click “Add Invoice”
Add Fee

To create a new fees, follow these steps:

  1. Select the “Invoice Type”
  2. Type the “Fee” amount
  3. Select the date on the “Create Date”
  4. Select last date in the “Paid Until”
  5. Select the “Employee name”
  6. Type the “Description”
  7. Click “Add Fee”

Student Management (Free Plan): Recommended Institutions

  • According to the student interest the universities will be suggested automatically, there the students can select the universities in two ways.
  • The student can shortlist or they can apply for the university
  • The students can manually select the universities a well in the top right corner search box

Student Management (Free Plan): Manage Your Shortlist

Once the university is selected it will automatically appear in the shortlist section

Covered here:

  • Generate PDF
  • Send Via mail
Generate PDF
  1. Click on the “Generate PDF”
  2. The shortlisted university details will be downloaded as PDF.
Send Via Mail
  1. Click on “Send Via Mail”
  2. The shortlisted university details will be sent as PDF directly to the mail.

Student Management(Pro Plan): Setup the Mail Box

All the mail details can be viewed in this section

Covered here:

  • Composing Mails
  • Drafting the mail
  • Deleting the mail
  • Inbox of mail
Composing Mails

To compose a mail follow the below steps

  1. Select the “ Recipient ”
  2. Select the inbuilt “ Template ” and the message to be sent to the student will be automatically fetched from the template.
  3. Type the “ Subject “
  4. Select the “ Attachment “
  5. Click “ Save “
Drafting the mail

To save a mail follow the below steps

  1. Select the “ Recipient ”
  2. Select the inbuilt “ Template ” and the message to be sent to the student will be automatically fetched from the template.
  3. Type the “ Subject “
  4. Select the “ Attachment “
  5. Click “ Save “
  6. The saved mail can be viewed by clicking the “ Draft “
Inbox of mail

In the inbox section all the received mail will be viewed

Deleting the mail

To delete a mail follow the below steps

  1. Select one or multiple mail from the inbox or draft
  2. Select the “ Delete “
  3. The selected mails will be deleted from the inbox or draft

Student Management(Pro Plan): Send SMS

Covered here:

  • Add SMS
  • SMS Details

To add new SMS follow these steps

  1. Click the “ Add SMS “ in the top right corner
  2. Select the “ Template “ from the search template section
  3. Once the template is selected the SMS will be automatically fetched from the in-builted template message.
  4. Click “ Send “
SMS Details

In SMS details the message sent along with the sent time and to whom the message has been sent will be shown

Student Management (Free Plan): Log History

  • In the Timeline section all the activities which has been will be viewed
  • It will shown according to the activity name along with the date